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"I hope our growing understanding of Revelation will stir a passionate whisper in our hearts to tell others."

​Throughout my life, pivotal moments have reshaped my perspective, especially during my college years. Initially, I entered college with a belief in God, but as time passed, my views on Christianity became mixed; sometimes, I felt curious, and other times, I felt antagonistic. Occasionally, I became receptive to Biblical teachings, listening attentively to Christians on campus. However, retaining their messages proved challenging, and I soon forgot what I had heard. My beliefs fluctuated, leaving me conflicted, vacillating between different viewpoints from one day to the next. On a spring day in my mid-twenties, I turned off the music and asked God: "If you're real, tell me what I'm missing." Shortly after, a voice within me responded with "Christ." This was unexpected, and initially, I was not very receptive. After pondering for a while, I asked, "Who is Christ?" Moments later, the inner voice answered, "The King of kings." As I continued to inquire further, my understanding of Christ deepened. This time, I could retain the knowledge as long as I remained close to God. Nevertheless, throughout my twenties and early thirties, the prophetic sections of the Bible still appeared mysterious and formidable. It took a conversation with one of the leaders of the church I attended to kindle a spark within me. He introduced me to an intriguing notion: the Seven-Year Tribulation is expressed not once but twice in the Book of Revelation. That bit of knowledge ignited an insatiable curiosity within me. Over the subsequent three decades, I've immersed myself in the study of Revelation, often sharing its teachings in church.  Over the years, I’ve noticed that the mysteriousness of Revelation 4 to 19 has persistently captivated the young, the old, and people from all walks of life. As the time draws near, we need a clear understanding of end-time events. There is an undeniable promised reward that awaits only a few watchful souls and an unsettling fate that looms over the many, either uninformed or nestled in their complacency.

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Are you curious about the end times but find yourself overwhelmed by the multitude of theories? If that’s you, understanding is closer than you think. As believers, we share a common futuristic perspective on the end-times, including the Seven-Year Tribulation (Revelation 4 to 19), the Thousand-Year Reign (Revelation 20), and the promise of a New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21-22). The confusion arises with the order of events surrounding the Seven-Year Tribulation.   Revelation 4 through 19 may appear disordered and perplexing with its many visions and complex symbolism. However, upon closer examination, we discover remarkable similarities and patterns. By comparing the passages in Revelation 4 to 11 and Revelation 12 to 19, we can identify 20 different events, of which 16 have matching visions. Astonishingly, these 16 matching visions unfold in precisely the same order, a remarkable occurrence.   One intriguing question that often arises is: When does Christ come? In the beginning, the middle, or the end? Surprisingly, as we explore the 20 events, we discover that Christ's arrival occurs three times: in Event 1, to empower His followers; in Event 8, to gather the faithful; and in Event 20, to end Satan's reign. So, the answer to whether He comes in the beginning, middle, or end is a resounding yes.   Another commonly asked question is how we will know when the Seven-Year Tribulation has begun. A clear sign is the invasion of Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 12:6, Matthew 24:15-18, Mark 13:14-16, and Luke 21:20-21. This invasion will result in the dispersion of the Jewish people living in Judea, indicating that the tribulation is on the precipice of starting. As we delve into all 20 events together, our trust in the fulfillment of these prophecies will deepen, providing us with greater understanding and insight.


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