Seven-Year Tribulation™ is a Christian Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation. We provide educational materials to raise awareness of end-time events such as the Seven-Year Tribulation. We use the Bible as our source of information. Our organization upholds its users’ privacy to the highest regard. Therefore, this privacy policy outlines what information we collect, how we store them, and what we do with your data.
The organization shall be referred to as “Seven-Year Tribulation” in first-person, including but not limited to “The website” and/or “The organization”.
Optionally, you can choose to submit your name and email through our registration and subscriptions forms for the appendices and newsletter we provide through Constant Contact. Additionally, your browser type, device information, IP address, and other non-personal information may automatically be collected by the website through our third-party platforms solely to understand the users’ behavior in navigating our website. Our website also uses Google Search Console to assess and generate reports with our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) performance. You may choose to read more about their respective privacy policies to better understand how they deal with your data. Our website does not represent and is not responsible for how they deal with your data.
Once you have submitted your information, the website automatically uses it to improve your user experience, as well as to boost the website’s performance on your browser (read more about cookies here). Seven-Year Tribulation uses your information to send out marketing and promotional material through email as well. The information we collect allows us to assess and improve our operations. It also allows us to provide you with support and assistance. Only the administrators of the website are permitted to access the mailing lists to our newsletter and appendix forms for only the purposes stated above. We do not permit individuals outside to access, edit, or use the data in any way.
The organization is prepared to share your data responsibly for any legal procedure or matter that requires with judgment that doing so will avoid any potential harm to your data.
We ensure that your data is not sold, rented, or exchanged to third parties.
The website uses third-party services like WIX, Constant Contact, Google Search Console and other WIX plugins.
Cookies are small packets of data in text that are stored on your computer after accessing a website. These are important to your online experience; they interact with your browser to remember your device and personalize your experience every time you visit our website. Know what cookies the website collects here
The organization is committed to protecting and safeguarding your data. Aside from putting your data in secure servers, constant monitoring is applied to prohibit unauthorized access to your data and to defend against cyber attacks.
While users are required to submit their name and email to download material from we provide, users can unsubscribe from our mailing lists through the email sent after registration via the unsubscribe link present below each email. We offer support to users who wish to access, modify, and/or delete their information from our databases.
Data will be retained in our servers according to how long Constant Contact holds users’ data for, unless users will unsubscribe from our services or request to do so. Constant Contact also has the right to delete users based on their criteria and policies.
This privacy policy may undergo modification periodically upon review with or without prior notice. Each modification shall take into effect once it has been posted to this page.
These cookies are stored indefinitely on your computer for days to years depending on their expiration date. These cookies are stored to remember your login information, but don't steal your data. Persistent cookies also store information about your browsing habits and store your website preferences (language, theme, region). You will need to log in again to your account and set your preferences upon deletion.
These are only active when you are navigating our website. These cookies are stored only on your Random Access Memory (RAM) and not in your hard drive. This enables the continuity of your sessions–to remember your actions as you navigate from page to page.
These cookies are set by the website you are visiting, and are generally considered safe. Read the list of cookies WIX collects and why.
These cookies are set by websites you are not directly accessing, this is usually done through embedded content on the first-party website, such as advertisements or videos, and are usually controlled by advertisers to target you with more personalized ads across your online experience based on your activities.
The website does not rely on third-party cookies. You can still choose to block them nonetheless on your browser by accessing the cookie settings according to your browser.
Terms and Conditions
Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what your team does and what your site has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want site visitors to know.
If you’re a business, talk about how you started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. Add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.