Seven-Year Tribulation™ is a Christian Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation. We provide educational materials to raise awareness of end-time events such as the Seven-Year Tribulation. We use the Bible as our source of information. Our organization upholds its users’ privacy to the highest regard. Therefore, this privacy policy outlines what information we collect, how we store them, and what we do with your data.
The organization shall be referred to as “Seven-Year Tribulation” in first-person, including but not limited to “The website” and/or “The organization”.

By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are 13 years old and older. You may not use the Service without a legal representative to agree to the Terms of Service on your behalf, or if you are under age of the laws which apply to you that permit you to use our Service.
If you are under the age of 13, you are also not permitted to submit personally identifiable information to the site without parental consent. You are not allowed to attempt to submit personally identifiable information. If we detect any information submitted that goes against our policies, we reserve the right to delete such information from our databases in accordance with The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) and other relevant laws.
You are responsible for entering truthful and accurate information during registration or subscription in any website form that may require you to do so. Any malicious activities (hacking, spamming, etc) are prohibited; it is your responsibility to demonstrate respect for intellectual property and copyrighted material in this Site.
We do not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted, or error-free. By using this service, you acknowledge that these issues may occur and agree that we are not liable for any resulting inconveniences or damages.
The organization, its endorsers, members, and volunteers shall not be liable to you for any direct, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including any damages resulting from (1) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of or in any content and (2) loss of use, data, profits, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from the use of our services or products. You agree that this applies to you to the fullest extent permitted by law in each applicable jurisdiction, including in accordance to relevant jurisdiction which may remove or add clauses to these limitations that apply to you.
Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services. These links are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement by SevenYearTribulation. We are not responsible for the content, privacy practices, or policies of these third-party sites. You are responsible for reading their respective relevant policies. We do not represent their policies.